Monday, November 13, 2006

Trying a normal life

So I slowly am waking up from what seemed to be a nightmare but with no mempery of what happened, how am I to know for sure? My name is Tony M. and I recently went throught the most trying period in my life. If people out there want to know what happened just comment on this blob and I will be glad to feel you in on the life of a drug dealer.......ending in an overdose.


sandegaye said...

Hi Tony!
We'd love to hear your story..
I'm happy that you're doing well now.

Looking forward to reading your blog!

dc said...

Hi there, hope you get on your blog and use it to tell "your story" You know we all have a story to tell, that is what life is about. Glad you are back and look forward to getting to know you better. dc

That dude Paul said...
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